Friday, October 29, 2010

Making money quickly and easily in 9 steps

Thursday, October 28, 2010.

Make money, you can easily and quickly? Well, you can make money, but the ease and speed that is doubtful since the accumulation of wealth, unless it is the task of crime, is closely tied to the commitment, the capacity to adapt to situations, to "understand the market" before the others, and also a good dose of luck. The possibility of making money quickly is therefore closely linked to their capacity, plus the activity that takes place is in line with their attitudes, the more chances you have of making money quickly and easily.

MAKE MONEY WITH contests, sweepstakes and prize games
  • There are many Italians who are hoping to make money quickly and easily with lotteries, prize competitions and games run by monopolies. Surely this is the quickest way to make money with minimal effort, but it is not the easiest as the desire to achieve a big win can lead to get carried away and squander a fortune.
  •  Include Lotto, Supernenalotto, Win For Life, online betting, Scratch Cards, Bingo and so the opportunities for groped luck out there, but hope to make money quickly and easily with the games it is deceptive and dangerous.
  • Therefore it is good every now and then maybe play a few euro, to leave open the road to fortune, but must in all cases prevent the game from turning into a real "disease persistence."
  • Another possible way to make money quickly and easily, but only on paper, is to "bet" on the financial markets. For example, it is increasingly common, even among the "ordinary mortals", the investment in the forex market, namely through the operations of trading currencies (dollar, yen, euro for instance).
  •  With the trading on the currencies you can make money easily and quickly. But it takes a great instinct, luck and ability to "predict" the market. All this against the risk of possibly losing the entire capital. Are you willing to do that?
  • Same music for actions and for so-called "derivatives." Taking advantage of the so-called "leverage effect" even with relatively small capital you can "shake" and large sums, with flair and luck, the same way, you can earn lots of money but in the same way he can lose a lot.

  • Make money working, compared with groped fortune, or to invest in the stock exchange, is the path generally less risky. It 'difficult, almost impossible to make money quickly and easily if you have employees.
  •  If you decide to do business, and you have skills, innovative ideas and great skills in doing business, perhaps through "new discoveries" to be patented, then you can achieve competitive advantages such that they can also make money quickly and easily.
  • But in this case, you should always take into consideration the fact that the market is changing, competition is fierce, and often there are those who do everything possible to "steal" or "copy" our ideas even in the face of increased strong financially.

Driving license points, how to check the point balance online and, if so, how to use?

Friday, October 29, 2010.

Well, in this regard is to meet the citizen / motorist a portal "dedicated" the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Question, specifically, the site for either license check points, is to pay online automotive practice and to qualify for a range of information services to save time and thus avoiding lengthy and exhausting to file branches.

  • Without registration, the motorist on the Portal you can download forms, view the fee structure of the automotive practice, seek review of the centers, but also find the nearest Office of Motor Vehicles. In addition, again without registration you can go to check the environmental category of a vehicle by simply entering the license plate number.
  •  When the citizen is registered to the portal, in addition to the clear use of the services listed above can also access the examination boards for the license, the payment practices of online access to data of the vehicles, to check the status of the practices and to fill in forms online. Moreover, as mentioned above, one should consult the license points and any specific request for a duplicate in case of destruction, loss or theft.
  •  In the section "violation and points", the citizen can go to see the corresponding reductions of the points of the license in case of violations of the Highway Code. But how can I appeal?


  • Well, to appeal against the deduction of points from the driving, following a fine, and without identification of the offending driver, you must submit an application to the Peace stating their name and address and details of the car, in order to ask for the suspension and cancellation of the report with regard to the curtailment of its points.
  • As for the costs of this action, in recent days, according to a circular was issued by the Ministry of Justice, from now on there will be a discount of 8 euro fee for appeal against the fines . The discount covers expenses that are not flat due to causes where the amount is not to exceed 1,033 euro; these 8 euro, such as standard costs of stationery, in which case they are not then due and must continue to pay the contribution unified recently introduced.
  • The driver who wins the case, again through the portal of the motorist, clearly can keep an eye on its position and in particular, the balance points to verify that indeed there is, according to the cause won, any reduction license points.
Via | Portale dell'Automobilista

Useful Links & Phone Numbers and web s

  •   Emergency Phone Numbers
    * Carabinieri (Military Force): 112
    * Polizia ( Police): 113
    * Vigili del Fuoco (Fire Brigade): 115
    * Ambulance: 118
    * ACI: 803 116
The listed numbers are nationwide and no city code needs to be dialled.

  • Ablut Italy
  • Car Registration
  • Expatriate Websites and Resources
  • Immigration regulation and more (Italian only)
  • Postal service
  • Press, TV, radio
  • Temporary Job: Major Specialized Agencies
  • Transports
  • Women Associations

Italian Immigration Laws

Italy has long been known as a net exporter of its citizens to other countries. So it came as some surprise when the 1981 census showed that 320,778 foreigners were living in Italy. Further, a bigger surge was yet to come, and this spurred a host of legislation to better control immigration. Between 1984 and 1989, approximately 700,000 to 800,000 people entered Italy. Of these, it is estimated that 300,000 to 350,000 entered or remained in Italy without a valid residence permit, according to the Bologna Center for International Affairs in a report issued in the fall of 2008.

Alarmed by the growing and unchecked numbers of immigrants, Italy established its first immigration law in 1986, which regulated immigrants' access to the labor market. With this legislation viewed as weak and underenforced, a second law was passed in 1991. It recognized both the rights and obligations of immigrants and is viewed as Italy's first comprehensive immigration legislation. A succession of other laws followed, rendering Italy's immigration policy quite complex, as will be described below.
  • It's Who You Are, Not Who You Know
If you are a foreigner, but a family member of an Italian citizen, and you have entered Italy legally, you can directly apply for a Long-Term Residence Permit through the police or at the post office in Italy. You will need a photocopy of a passport or other equivalent document, four passport-sized photos, proof of the family relationship and possibly proof that the applicant is a dependent family member.

      The policy is similar for foreign family members not yet residing, visiting or living in Italy. If you are a citizen of the European Union (EU) not yet living or residing in Italy, you can apply at the post office or police station after arriving in Italy if you are the citizen's spouse, a direct descendant under 21 years of age or a dependent descendant of either spouse. Also, parents, grandparents, great grandparents of the spouse may also apply.
  • European Citizens
 This is the easiest case. EU citizens need only apply for registration in the town where they live if they plan to stay in Italy no longer than three months. But there are caveats as you will see.
  •   If You Want to Stay in Italy Longer Than Three Months
 If it's your first time to Italy, you must apply for a residence permit within eight days after arriving. A foreigner already in Italy whose permit is about to expire must apply for renewal no longer than 60 days past the permit's expiration. To get a residence permit application you will need a valid passport and possibly a visa, photocopies of both, four recent identical passport photos and 14.62 euros (about $20 U.S.). Here is where it gets really confusing. Depending on your renewal situation, the type of residence permit being sought has different renewal requirements. 

The application must be submitted at least 90 days before its expiration for a two-year residence permit. The time requirement dips to at least 60 days before expiration for a one-year residence permit. Thirty days before expiration is the submission limit for all other permits. Wait, there is more. The expiration date for a residence permit is the same as the expiration date of the entry visa, which lapses after nine months for seasonal work, remains valid one year for temporary work or vocational training, and is good for up to two years for self-employed work, permanent work or a family reunion (no kidding).
  • New Rules for Permits of Less Than Three Months
Starting in 2007, visitors to Italy interested in tourism, business, visits or studies are no longer required to apply for residence permits but they must report to border authorities if they are from non-Schengen states. Schengen states are those 24 EU countries that signed a pact allowing unimpeded access across all Schengen state borders. Most notably, Great Britain and Ireland are not Schengen states. If arriving from other Schengen states, visitors must report to a local police department within eight days unless they are staying in a hotel, in which case they will fill out a report at the hotel.
  •    Nine More Exceptions
 These exceptions allow residence permits to be applied for at the provincial police headquarters and include visitation for medical treatment, sports events, work holidays, humanitarian reasons, political asylum, justice, application for stateless status, integration of a minor or minor age.
  •  Applications That Must Be Made to Specially Designated Post Offices
 These include residence applications needed due to guardianship, religious reasons, elective residence, studies for more than three months, renewal of political asylum, internship for job training, pending acquisition of citizenship and pending employment. This list is not exhaustive and it is highly recommended that those in exigent circumstances contact the town council or local designated institutions for help with the process.

Germany losing 20 billion a year due to skills shortages

Germany's skills shortages are causing the economy to lose billions a year, according to a report commissioned by Economy Minister Michael Glos.

"The value-added loss resulting from positions that remain vacant is in the double-digit billion euro range. It could be up to 1 percent of gross domestic product," the report stated.

According to the report, one percent would be more than €20 billion for 2007.

Germany is experiencing shortages in the manufacturing, engineering, metal, and electrical sectors. However, the country has been historically resistant to large scale immigration which could help alleviate shortages.

Ironically, the country is experiencing a high unemployment rate of 9 percent -- but that figure dropped in July after companies increased production and hiring.

Glos said that Germany's failure to train its native population in the skills required by its fastest growing export industry could inflict long term damage to the European Union's largest economy.

Politicians have been cautious about approaching immigration as a solution to the problem, fearing the vote-losing consequences of a topic that is not very popular with Germans.

Instead, they have been pushing companies to hire women and older workers, as well as foreigners living in Germany.

Germany currently requires non-EU members wishing to work in Germany to make at least €80,000 a year and has the toughest restrictions on workers from the new EU member states that joined in 2004 and 2007.

Business are not happy with the government's response to the skills shortage problem and want them to take a more open approach to immigration. The government feels that businesses just want cheap foreign labor.

Germany may make immigrant skills recognition easier

The German government hopes to make it easier for foreign-born workers' to have their overseas qualifications recognised in Germany. This would also benefit Germany as more overseas workers will be available to fill critical shortages in the German labour market.

Approximately 300,000 foreign-born residents in Germany cannot practice their professions because their qualifications are not recognized, Education Minister Annette Schavan told the German Financial Times.

According to Schavan, the government hopes to pass a law this year which would fast-track verification of foreign qualifications.

"The new law will give all those who acquired education abroad the chance to have their degree evaluated in Germany," Schavan said. "We want to access a potential that has not been tapped."

Many foreign-educated immigrants trained in fields such as medicine and engineering are working in lesser-skilled jobs because of the credential recognition issue. According to the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), Germany lacks 400,000 skilled workers.

A points based system for Germany?

In a televised interview, Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle said that Germany should implement a points-based immigration system similar to programs in other countries.

Points-based systems, which allow skilled workers to live in work in a country as long as they gain enough points scoring criteria such as age, experience, and qualifications, have proven very successful in countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.

Germany, a traditionally conservative nation in regards to immigration, is taking a giant leap forward in considering such a step. However, with Europe's aging population, skilled workers from abroad are becoming increasingly more important for EU member states.