Saturday, September 11, 2010

Income requirement for applying for Carta di soggiorno (Forever Workpermit)

It is true, in order for you to apply for the EC long-term residence permit you must meet determined requirements and one of them is to have an income not lower than the social benefit allowance. 

The income requirement is much higher if one is applying for the EC long-term residence permit also for the family members. The minimum income required must be multiplied by half for each family member. In case of two or three minor children under the age of 14, the income required must not be lower than double the amount of social benefit allowance.

The general income of all family members living with the applicant are taken into consideration. Having in mind that the social benefit allowance for 2010 is 5.349,89 Euros, if you are applying for the EC long-term residence permit only for yourself, then you must have an annual income of at least 5.349,89 Euros. But if you are applying for EC long-term residence permit  for yourself and one family member, then your income must be at least 8.024,83 Euros. If you are applying for EC long-term residence permit for two family members (or two or more children under the age of 14), your income must be at least 10.699,78 Euros.

You must have an income of least 13.374,72 Euros in order to apply for the EC long-term residence permit for three family members, and 16.049 Euros for four family members.Be reminded that the income required to be issued the EC long-term residence permit  is the same one required for family reunification.

Apart from the income requirement, for you to be issued the EC long-term residence permit, you must also have a valid Permit of Stay (or have applied for renewal of your permit). You must have been a legal resident for at least five years, be a holder of a long term Permit of Stay (excluding Permits of Stay for studies, professional training, humanitarian reasons, subsidiary social protection, for asylum and for application for asylum).

You must not have been given a criminal sentence in Italy and not be considered a threat to public order and social security.

To apply for the EC long-term residence permit, it is necessary to use appropriate forms available at the designated post offices and to send the application from those designated post offices.