Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Integration Fund: € 13.5 million for projects

Rome - December 1, 2010 - The Interior Ministry has issued six warnings for the public presentation of local projects to be financed with the resources of the Fund for the Integration of third country nationals from 2007 to 2013, under the general program "Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows". There are up for grabs for funding of € 13.5 million.

The notices relate to the submission of projects under the following actions, identified by the program's annual EIF 2010:

    Action 1 - 2010, "Language training, civic orientation, job orientation and training" - € 3,000,000.00
    Action 2 - 2010, "Youth Project" - € 3,500,000.00
    Action 3 - 2010, "Raising awareness, information and communication" - € 1,000,000.00
    Action 4 - 2010, "Initiatives of social mediation and the promotion of intercultural dialogue" - € 3,800,000.00
    Action 5 - 2010, "Innovative programs for integration" - € 1,000,000.00
    Action 7 - 2010, "Capacity building: establishment of structures and networks for action" - € 1,200,000.00

Projects may be submitted by 12.00 pm of December 28, 2010 until 18.00 on February 28, 2011, exclusively through the site Applicants must have inbox certified (PEC) and digital signatures.

Here, the facsimile forms for submission of project proposals issued by the Interior Ministry. Only serve as an example, since the forms must be filled out online.

    Online Model A Model self-declared proponent / Responsible "
    Online Model A1 Model Partner self-declared "
    Model B on-line "experience in the relevant sector in the period 2005-2009"
    Model C - Model for the submission of projects
    Model C1 - Model data sheet of the proponent / Responsible
    Model C2 - Model data sheet of the project partners
    Model C3 - Model of the fol-project
    Model C4 - Timetable for implementation
    Model C5 - Budget Model
    Scheme of Grant Agreement