Wednesday, January 05, 2011

DECRETO FLUSSI 2010: the explanatory circular issued , How and when send applications,

ROME, Jan. 5, 2011 - The Ministry of Labour, jointly with the Ministry of the Interior, has issued the Circular No 3 January 2011 8 which provides the first instructions about submitting applications for work permit for non-EU citizens resident abroad.

The explanatory circular, divided into five chapters, provides detailed explanations about the "determination of quotas," "how to submit applications and forms," "requests sent to the Single Desk", "management practices" and " relationships with associations and organizations signed Memoranda of Understanding. "

Please note that the stream decree also establishes quotas for the conversion of some types of residence permits (eg, study, training, etc..) Permission to work in, or self-employment.

Let's see, in detail, the instructions contained in the Circular.


Quote reserved

Employers wishing to recruit workers from the countries for which a proportion can submit applications starting from 08:00, 31 January 2011.

List of countries and share confidential:
4500 Albania, Algeria 1000, 2400 Bangladesh, Egypt, 8000, 4000 Philippines, Ghana 2000, Morocco 4500, Moldova 5200, 1500 Nigeria, Pakistan 1000, 2000 Senegal, Somalia 80, 3500 Sri Lanka, Tunisia 4000, India 1800, 1800 Peru, 1800 Ukraine, 1000 Niger, Gambia 1000, 1000 other non-EU countries that enter into agreements with Italy.

The questions will relate to the employment in general and domestic work.
Warning : once exhausted the quota reserved for non-EU nationals from the countries listed, you can not submit applications by taking advantage of the other levels provided in the Decree flows.

Quote is not unique to domestic work
Employers wishing to recruit domestic workers from countries for which there is a proportion may submit questions starting at 8:00 of the February 2, 2011 .

Please note that the rate provided is 30,000 places for non EU citizens and is reserved only for domestic work as domestic helpers, caregivers or baby sitters.

Shares for conversion of permits and entry for work "special" (or foreign-trained workers of Italian origin)

Employers wishing to recruit workers in other sectors, from countries for which there is a proportion, can submit applications starting at 08:00 on February 3, 2011.

This is the input of workers trained abroad (art. 23 D. Lgs. 286/98) for which was given a quota of 4,000 jobs and workers, self-employed, of Italian origin (parents, grandparents or Italian great-grandparents) living in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil, and included in the lists of workers in their Italian Consulate for which was given a quota of 500 seats.

Always the hours of 8:00 February 3, 2011 will be submitted the applications for conversion of a residence permit to a work permit.

The stream decree provides for the possibility of converting 11,500 residence permits to work in as many permits as follows:

Can be converted into Subordinate work:
3,000 permits for study;
3,000 permits for vocational training / apprenticeship;
4,000 permits for seasonal work;
1000 EC residence permit for longer stays issued by other EU states.
Can be converted to Self-Employment:
500 EC residence permit issued for long-term resident third-country nationals from other EU states.

Warning : Questions may be sent only from the appointed day by the stream decree. Not be considered valid applications submitted before that day and will be open to applications until 30 June 2011.

Which module to use

Entries for work
For applications for employment will be used in the form B
For applications for domestic work to be used in the form A
For applications in favor of workers trained abroad or Italian origin will be used to form the BPS .


For the conversion of permits for study-training permits for employment in the form VA . It is therefore the possibility of converting a permit for a permit to study in self-employment.
Important : Students in non-EU nationals holding a residence permit to study a degree in Italy, both short and specialized streams are exempt from quotas and should not apply for a share subsistence. To convert a residence permit to study in paid employment will have to use other modules already available on the website of the Ministry of the Interior.

For the conversion of permits for seasonal work permits for self-employment in the form VB . Holders of permits for seasonal work can only request the conversion from the second stay in Italy for seasonal work. Holders of a residence permit for EC long-term residents "issued by another Member State will have to use:

- Form LS for employment
- Form LS1 for domestic work
- Form LS2 for self-employment

The procedure for submission of applications is very similar to that provided in previous years. The only differences are related to the introduction of technological simplification.You do not need to download the software but the Ministry will be able to complete the application directly from the website of the Ministry of Interior which will be immediately apparent confirmation of receipt (provided it is no longer sending the confirmation e-mail e-mail address) .

From as early as 8.00 am on January 17 will be available on the website of the Ministry of Interior, the application to fill out forms and assistance will be provided electronically to the Help Desk.

It is strongly recommended to use the form on the right, because in case of error you can not amend the application with the result that the application will be rejected.


Unknown said...

ey i want to apply for work permit .

masculin said...

Bonjour, je suis un marocain et je veux faire une demande d'emploi en Italie. voila mon e-mail :

sunny said...

i need a visa to stay in italy

Anonymous said...

How to submet an aplication to Italian immigration,
need a positive respons please.

Anonymous said...

Well, this is for employers Italians. My question is, What about people who want to get a job in Italy, People who their country have a quota, such as Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco ... Etc.
Must I have to register ourselves in somewhere? What are the procedures that we do so we can get a job in Italy based on this law, and thank you in advance.

Anonymous said...

Bonjour, may i know when the result of my application be available? Will the names be posted here?
Please notify me in my e mail....
thank you very much!

amalia b. tejada

Anonymous said...

how can i check my previous immigration result i applied in 2010 tell me where from i can check my result ............

palwinder singh said...

hi can u plz tell me that how can i check my application status my id

Anonymous said...

hi.. this rajinder singh my passport no is g 1757317
my question is ...there is one word(i) is missing in my name.plz u just tel me what can i do now..?
how can i correct that.
plz send me ansr on e-mail id

Anonymous said...

i have submitted my visa application form on dated 31 jan 2011. in that latter which i received from MINISTERO DELL INTERNO,there is one word (i) is missing in my name. now my question is this 'by that mistake it 'll b some problum in my visa or not..??
one thing more there is no any mistake in my original passport no & name.
plz send me ansr on e-mail id

gursewakchatha said...

i am filled paper on 31 january what time it papers will be open.........?my email id is

gursewakchatha said...

i filled paper on31 january in what time it eill be opened plz give right answer in

gursewakchatha said...

31 januvary 2011 paper ............what time these paper will coming start open

Anonymous said...

31jan paper when these paper satrts open any one tell me please plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

sohail said...

when these paper satrts open any one tell me please. and where can i found my immigiration status.please mail me

sohail said...

when were application result will come out and how i can check my immigiration status plzzz tell me

Anonymous said...

Bonjour, may i know when the result of my application be available?
Please notify me in my e mail....

thank you very much!


Anonymous said...

when will the results out?please let me know through my e-mail

Anonymous said...

how can i take immigration to italy with my family i live in saudia arabia & have a pakistan nationa;ity can give me some suggestion

Anonymous said...

i pass an application form for my relative in april 2011 when will i know the result?thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

where will i go to see the result sir maam pls specify the place pls im on another country i submitted the aplication last april 2011 and you answered me sept 20,tahnk you ver much .

mac said...

if any body want's to go to italy with work permit than call me on 9780842758