Saturday, October 09, 2010

EC long-term residence permit issued by another country

Ministry of Home Affairs has been receiving many questions from foreigners in other EU Member States who are holders of EC long-term residence permit interested in coming to live in Italy for a period exceeding three months.

Many wanted to know if they’ll be issued another EC long-term residence permit by Italian authorities once they arrive here.

Ministry of Home Affairs has issued a Circular letter saying that a holder of EC long-term residence permit issued by another EU Member State who wants to live in Italy has a right to be issued a Permit of Stay and not an EC long-term residence permit.

Family members of such a person also have a right to be issued a Permit of Stay similar (type and validity period) to the one issued to the former holder of EC long-term residence permit from another EU Member State.

Italian authorities will only issue the EC long-term residence permit to the foreigner who meets all the requirements established by Italian law which obviously includes legal residence in the country for at least five years.