Saturday, October 09, 2010

How to apply for Civil invalidity benefit
Recognition of civil invalidity status guarantees to all disabled people who can’t work and lack means of survival, the right to financial support from the State and social assistance.

Apart from the right to receive financial support, recognition of civil invalidity status allows one access to some non-financial support such as physiotherapy, caregivers, prosthesis, thermal services, exemption from paying for some medicines, free lab exams, and specialist medical visits.

All who have any type of invalidity can apply so that their invalidity can be ascertained.
Article 20 of Legislative Decree of 1st July 2009, converted into Law by amendments to Law number 3 of August 2009, titled “Fighting against civil invalidity fraud” changed the procedure to be followed in submitting the application for recognition of civil invalidity status.

The new rule introduced a simple and clear procedure to be followed in applying for recognition of civil invalidity status and in obtaining such a status within a very short time.

From 1st January 2010, in order to ascertain the invalidity status (civil, blindness, deafness, handicap, disability), the Medical Commission from the Local Health Offices (ASL) have been joined by a doctor from INPS. The final decision on whether to recognize the invalidity status still remains with INPS.

The application must exclusively be submitted telematically to INPS.

The personal doctor plays a key role in the submission of the application. He is in fact the one to fill in the online medical certificate. In order to do so, the doctor must first of all apply for authorization from INPS to access their system and certify the patient’s medical status. The doctor will be assigned a PIN to be used to access the system.

After filling in the online medical certificate, the doctor will be issued a receipt with the number of the medical certificate to be handed over to the applicant. The receipt must later on be attached to the application for recognition of civil invalidity status.

The application for recognition of civil invalidity status must be submitted within 30 days from the date the medical certificate is issued.

The application can be submitted telematically by registering on the website of INPS or through Benevolent institutions (patronati) or other associations authorised to assist the disabled.

Once the application has been filled in and submitted, one can follow the state of the application by logging on to the website of INPS.

After filling in the online application form, the system will issue a receipt with all the following information: the branch of INPS where the application was submitted, the date, type of medical visit required and the application protocol number.

The applicant will then be notified of the date of the medical visit to ascertain the type of invalidity.

If it’s not possible to go for the  medical visit on the assigned date, one can request for another  appointment.  However, if the applicant fails to turn up for the medical appointment, then this is considered as having given up the application.

It is possible to request for the medical visit at home if one can’t go to the hospital. One must request for the medical visit at home at least five days before the day of the appointment in the hospital. The application must be submitted telematically by one’s personal doctor authorized to do so.

The president of the medical commission will decide whether the medical visit at home is really necessary or not.

After the medical visit, the commission will vote and the decision made by the majority will be implemented. The commission can as well ask for re-examination of the application and a new medical visit.

INPS will then send two reports, one containing all the sensitive personal data and the other, the final decision on whether financial support is to be given or not.

If the final decision approves being given financial support, then the applicant must type in all the necessary information required by INPS in order to provide the support.