A circular from the Ministry of the Interior to clarify the possibility of renewing the workpermit.
The residence permit for study purposes can move freely within Europe for the continuation or the attendance of studies in other states.Notwithstanding the need for those who studied in Italy, despite being resident in another EU country, to ask the RP study after the passing of the first three months, the circular No 6020 of 15 September 2010, released by the Interior Ministry, said that in the event of residence abroad that lasts more than six months (the limit beyond which we lose the right to renew the residence permit in Italy) you can however, renew the permit for study only by presenting evidence in support of the stay motivated and abroad including:
- Certificate issued by the same national academic authorities, showing that the frequency falls outside of specific courses in the curriculum porecedentemente approved or is complementary to it;;
- Appropriate documents proving the regular stay in another Member State (for example by showing a copy of the permit granted by the other State;
- Certification by the academic authorities of another Member State attesting to the proper performance of part of the curriculum in that country.
The submission of this certification is regarded as a serious and proven pattern that allows the renewal of the RP despite the stay abroad for a period exceeding six months.The node is not trivial given the difficulties and long waiting times usually encountered by students (including Italian) to be recognized by the Italian universities in training courses abroad often for simple bureaucratic difficulties the students themselves are forced to chase teachers to move from one office to another in order that it be given in advance what already had been approved.
Not insignificant is the fact that, just the paths of studies conducted abroad (for example within the Erasmus program) are a great educational opportunity regardless of the conduct of examinations and attendance of courses.
This seems more complex since the node, in response to the request by the Italian (Police) is not clear whether or not there is an obligation upon the academic foreign expanded at European level, to issue a certificate certifying fRequest of the curriculum. These documents should in fact be released to the limit with the aim of enabling students to translate the foreign fromazione recognition from the Italian university so that alone could suffice for the renewal of the RP.