Thursday, September 30, 2010

Voluntary Return

Voluntary return
For information desk can be contacted by the Return of the Veneto Region.
Pension rights in case of return:The Immigration Act provides that in case of definitive return, to hand over the residence permanently to the border authorities, foreign workers who had an employment relationship of permanent and temporary, preserve the rights and welfare Accrued social security in Italy and will be entitled, at the age of 65 years of age, the retirement pension paid by the contributory scheme, although they have less than five years of contributions required of the law.
When you can apply for recognition of the contributions of the work:

You can apply for recognition of the contributions already paid in addition to those paid by Italy in their own country or latro only if there is an international agreement between Italy and their country of origin.These agreements allow each country to settle the pension according to their national legislation. To this end, the right to a pension is assessed by considering the contributions from all states, if not overlapping.
Italy has signed bilateral agreements on social security with the following countries:

Argentina, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada-Quebec, Croatia, Jersey, Channel Islands, Macedonia, Monaco, the Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of San Marino, Republic of Yugoslavia, Slovenia, United States of America, Tunisia , Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela. The agreement between Italy and Yugoslavia in 1957 will remain in force with the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (including Kosovo), even after the declaration of independence of those States.

From 1 August 2002 is in force a new agreement with Slovenia.
At the moment, however, there is no such bilateral agreement and between Italy and Ukraine and Moldova.
Normative reference:Immigration Consolidation Act (Legislative Decree 286/98) supplemented and updated in August 2009 (rules of Law 94/2009)

Temporary return (May include temporarily)

1. Foreigners legally resident in Italian territory

which allowed the temporary move abroad, with the possibility of re-entry in Italy.An alien lawfully resident in Italy and transferred abroad, can return to Italy by presenting a passport at border control or equivalent document and a residence permit or a residence permit or EC long-term resident permit valid.The residence permit can not be renewed or extended if it appears that the alien has interrupted his stay in Italy for a continuous period of more than six months or, in the case of residence permits of at least two years, for a continuous period of more than half the period of validity of residence permit, unless such interruption is dependent on the need to fulfill their military obligations or other serious reasons.
2. foreigners pending renewal of residence permitthat can come from Italy and re-enter if they have:

* The receipt issued from Italian SpA attesting to the `application has been lodged for renewal of their residence permit or residence card,
* The permit expired,
* Passport or equivalent document.
3. aliens who have applied for the first issue of a residence permit for employment, self-employment or family reunificationprovided that:

* The exit and return to take place through the same border crossing;
* The alien to show your passport or other travel document equivalent, together with the entrance visa from the results expressed as the reason for the stay (employment, self-employment or family reunification) and the Italian Post Office receipt SpA;
* The trip does not include transit through other Schengen countries (see note), the same being prohibited.

Note - The Schengen Area is the set of national territories of countries applying the Schengen Convention: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Malta and Switzerland.

Also:With its circular dated 27 June 2007, it was determined that the alien with children under 14 can ask the police to issue a residence permit and provisional license valid only on paper. On the title to be entered with minor children in this way can leave temporarily to Italy.

Normative reference:Immigration Consolidation Act (Legislative Decree 286/98) supplemented and updated in August 2009 (rules of Law 94/2009)

Draft directive boosts rights of third-country citizens working in the EU

Draft directive boosts rights of third-country citizens working in the EU
The European Parliament Civil Liberties Committee has backed a directive calling for creation of a single work and residence permit.The broad aim of the "single permit" directive is to stop the exploitation of foreign labour by boosting the rights of third-country citizens working in the EU.

The directive will dovetail with the EU blue card, which is designed to facilitate legal immigration where it meets the needs of the European labour market. It will allow citizens of non-EU countries to obtain a work permit and a residence permit through a single procedure at a one-stop shop.

The holder of a single permit would also acquire the right to travel through other Member States. Any decision to reject an application for a permit would have to be justified and there would be a right of appeal in accordance with national law.The draft directive does not affect the rules on the admission of non-EU citizens, which are decided by the Member States. However, it guarantees them certain core rights and gives them a secure legal status, as a safeguard against exploitation.The legislation does not cover seasonal labourers (who are the subject of a different draft law) or applicants for international protection.

The directive seeks to ensure equal treatment between workers from non-EU states and national workers in areas such as pay, working hours and conditions, training and social security. However, the Member States can restrict equal treatment in certain circumstances, for example by requiring proof of a thorough knowledge of the language in order to follow education or training courses.

Members of the Civil Liberties Committee believe it is up to the Member States to decide whether an application for a single permit should be lodged in the non-EU country or the Member State of destination.If the application is not lodged in a non-EU country, it will have to be made by the applicant's employer. 

The Civil Liberties Committee's report, drafted by MEP VĂ©ronique Mathieu, was adopted on 28th September by 41 votes to 8, with 2 abstentions.

Subordinate Employment Visa

Subordinate Employment Visa is Suitable For:
  • Foreign nationals with nominative work clearance from Sportello Unico, when employed in Italy for a term or open-end subordinate employment purpose for short or long stays

Why Use pakitalservices Immigration Service?
  • Process your visa online: Fast, Easy & Secure

  • Experienced immigration solicitors and advisers prepare and file your case

  • Avoid costly mistakes and subsequent delays with the MAE

  • Track the progress of your case online: 24 hours a day

  • Access to legal advice from the comfort of your home or office

  • Send unlimited case questions to your pakitalservices adviser and receive timely responses online

  • Low, flat fee - No hidden costs

Immigration Service Includes:
  • Full Review of your personal circumstances

  • Confirmation that the Subordinate Employment Visa is appropriate for you

  • Checklist of documents that you need for your Subordinate Employment Visa

  • Accurate preparation of your visa application

  • Submission of your visa application to the proper government agencies

  • Careful co-ordination of all correspondence with government agencies

  • Expert advise on how to handle yourself at your interview, and what to expect

  • Online access to your case status

  • Unlimited personal communication with your own pakitalservices immigration adviser

  • Fast, easy and secure processing through your
    personal online VisaPro account

Services Do Not Include:
  • Judicial review

  • Appeals from adverse initial decision

  • Deportation proceedings

  • Any certification to the successful outcome of the

  • Subordinate Employment Visa is granted to foreign nationals who have a job contract with an Italian entity which has obtained the work authorization for the foreign employee

  • Foreign nationals in Italy have the right of family reunification, provided they must hold a subordinate employment contract valid for at least 1 year. A subordinate employee on seasonal contract may not apply for a visa for accompanying family members nor a family reunion visa as the contract period is less than 1 year.