Saturday, October 16, 2010

My son was born here, can become Italian?

I am a foreigner living in Italy for many years. My son is 16 years old and was born here, you can get Italian citizenship?

Rome - August 6, 2010 - Your son to obtain Italian citizenship must wait eighteen (18) years.

Under Italian law who was born in Italy to foreign parents do not automatically acquires Italian citizenship but keeps the parents. At the age of 18 who was born in Italy and there has always maintained his residence may, by presenting to the Registrar within one year of coming of age, to obtain Italian citizenship.
Citizenship in this case is granted for the benefit of the law and therefore can become Italian citizens with a simple declaration of intention to make the registrar before the completion of the nineteenth (19) year.

Your child will have to demonstrate that they have legally resided without interruption until that time, the period of legal residence must be demonstrated at birth in Italy, so it must be certified as recorded to the registry and possession of a residence permit, noted on that of parents.

Very often it happens that many parents have failed or have been late in entering their permits children born in Italy or their Subscriptions to the town of residence, and this may make it impossible for the purchase of citizenship of the child.

The ministry 's Interior to facilitate those who submit requests in regard to the requirement of legal residence, with a circular, has recommended to the registrar to assess a degree of flexibility to the requirement of continuous residence, stating that in case of interruption of legal residence or delays in birth registration can be assessed, what proof of residence in the Italian territory also certified physicians, such as vaccinations, or educational certificates.

Of course to be registered must be attached at birth and it must have been regularly denounced by an Italian municipality for at least one parent legally resident in Italy.

The request for the grant or recognition of Italian citizenship shall be submitted by filling model, the office of Civil State of the City of residence.

A process concluded, the Office will give prompt notice to the citizen concerned. The registrar, once the system requirements, shall register the new citizens in civil registers. In this case, there is loss of citizenship of origin. The effect of citizenship is the day after the statement.

I am awaiting the release of 1 permit, can I ask for your license?

I am awaiting the release of 1 residence permit, can I ask the Italian driver's license or should I wait for me to issue the permit?

Rome, August 13, 2010 - Yes, even the foreigners who are waiting for the first residence permit or renewal for work and family can be admitted to the theoretical and practical driving tests and obtain the license.

The vehicle must ensure that only the first application or renewal applications have been within the law. Then requests a photocopy of an identification document, a copy of the receipt of the application for renewal of the first issue of a residence permit (in this? Last case together with a copy of the permit).

It will then be the responsibility of the police forces also withdraw the guidance documents in cases where non-EU nationals are not eligible for the issue or renewal of residence permit. We recall that? Office responsible for issuing driving license is? Province Office of Motor Vehicles.

Guests an illegal immigrant, what risk?

These days I'm hosting a friend in my house without a permit. If something were to find out risk?
Rome, August 20, 2010 - According to the law can stay in the State only foreigners legally entered the territory of the State have a visa and residence permit properly issued and valid.

8 August 2009 was introduced the crime of illegal entry and residence in the territory of the Italian State. Therefore, those who enter or stay irregularly in Italy commits the offense of illegal immigrants, punishable by a fine ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 euro. But even those who host a foreigner without a residence permit may run into problems.

According to the text only on Immigration (art. 7, Legislative Decree no. 286/98), "anyone, for any reason, providing accommodation that is home to an alien or stateless person, although relative, or similar, that gives the same ownership or use of immovable property, rural or urban, located in the State, shall send written notice within forty-eight hours, the local public security. "

Anyone wishing to host their own house in a national non-EU immigrant must submit a declaration of hospitality to the police. It is a statement which discloses the identity of the person who hosts and includes, in addition to the generality of the complainant, those of the alien or stateless person, the particulars of the passport or identification document relating to him the exact location of ' property sold or where the person is housed.

It happens that if you host a person without permission you choose not to fulfill this legal obligation to ensure that the person might run into problems. We remember that he who omits this communication is subject to administrative sanction for payment of a sum of 160 to 1,100 euro.

EU citizens: how to apply for Italian citizenship?

I am a Rumanian citizen resident in Italy regularly for five years can apply for Italian citizenship?

Rome August 24, 2010 - The Romanians joined the European Union since 2007 and are therefore considered in all respects EU citizens from that time. The EU citizens can apply for citizenship by naturalization after four years of legal residence, evidenced by anagrafe.

The question you must submit it to the Prefecture, the place of residence duly made on the model B and you have to put a stamp from € 14.62.

To the question you must attach a birth certificate complete with all the particulars with details of fatherhood and motherhood; certificates criminal in the country of origin and any third country of residence; general certificate of criminal record and pending charges to require the registry of public prosecutor, the residence permit, the certificates issued by municipalities to certify the residence for the period provided by law, family status, a photocopy of the income received in the last three years and regularly declared for tax purposes ; the receipt of the contribution of € 200.00.

The record at the time of birth certificates and the criminal should be apostilled, which must be stamped "Apostille" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Interior Romeno. This is for member countries to the Hague Convention.

Documents apostilled finally be translated into Italian at one of the following authorities: either by 'Italian diplomatic or consular authorities in the State of origin or by the diplomatic or consular of the country of origin in Italy, or by an official translator stating that the Italian court, with the formalities required, adherence to the foreign text.

The names given in the documents Italians and foreigners are equal in all actions in the event of any discrepancies in the documentation, the same can be remedied with a certificate with which the Consular Authority of the State of certifying that the various general refer to same person, indicating the correct one, and clarifying the reasons for the differences in the acts.

Mr. Mario Lioy

How to ask good holiday?

I am a regular immigrant I've heard good holiday, but I have a right to them or they can take only Italian citizens?

Rome - August 27, 2010 - the Official Journal on August 2, 2010 was published the decree that activates the procedure for the award of holiday vouchers, aimed not only at Italian citizens, but also to EU citizens resident in Italy and non-EU residence permit.

The Good Holiday, are a form of contribution to the tourism mountain resort and spa in "low season" for the families with low incomes. These can be used from August 23 until July 3, 2011, excluding the period between December 20 and January 6.

Will be able to get the state subsidy that households at the time of the request for issuance of bonds covered by the rental socio-economic forecasts provided by the scale established by the decree.

To see if you are entitled to good you must present the ISEE, which is the indicator of the economic equivalent of the family member still valid in the year of submission of the request of the holiday. Is taken into consideration the economic situation of the whole family. To verify that fall within the parameters to obtain the good you can use the simulator by way of illustration of the calculation provided by INPS.
The facility is state by applying a discount rate ranging from 20 to 45%, according to income groups ISEE, the amount of bonds required up to a maximum depends on the number of members of the family. For example, a family of 4 with income under 25,000 euro ISEE, you can request a booklet of coupons for a total value up to 1240 Euros, paying only 682.00 (hence a 45% discount).

You can purchase a good amount of choice, according to the discount indicated by the table and you'll be sent a booklet composed of several well be spent by the deadline in one of the structures mentioned in the affiliated website
·        How to ask good

I have good holidays in the form of a payment voucher type, you must request them online at, filling in a statement on their registries and income conditions.

Once you complete the online registration form is issued, automatically, from the system, a booking number, and you'll print both "Request Form HOLIDAY GIFT" where it appears the reservation number is the "Self-Module family composition, to be completed manually.

Both of these forms you will need to present them, along with a copy of your identification at any bank branches of Intesa Sanpaolo group from the second day after the online application, not later than 10 days, or lose the reservation. In the bank you must pay your share of good, at which point the bank will sort the good physically, which will be delivered directly to your home.

The contribution may be paid once per family per calendar year. The vouchers are awarded based on the criterion of chronological priority of the request and the simultaneous payment to the applicant in the bank, and are awarded until all available funds.

Mr. Mario Lioy

Expired permit, can I still renew it?

I am a non-EU citizen, I have a residence permit for employment. My permit expired for 30 days, but I have been hospitalized and have not applied for renewal. Can I renew it now?

Rome - August 31, 2010 - The renewal of residence permit must be requested by the alien to the Chief of the province where dwelling, at least sixty days before the deadline, and is subject to verification of the conditions for the issue and the various conditions laid down by the unique.

The residence permit is renewed for a period not exceeding that established by the initial release, of course, the permit is revoked, or when there are lacking the necessary requirements for entry and residence in the State.

In your case the permit is expired for thirty days, but are not yet past sixty days from the deadline and therefore you can still submit the application.

In fact, for the law, under Article 13 of the Consolidated immigration, deportation is ordered by the Prefect when the alien did not renew the permit because it has expired by more than sixty days and has not been applied for renewal.
In practice there are no special penalties in case of late submission of application but it certainly should not spend more than 60 days from the expiration of the permit, and you still remember when the police will assess the application could reject it.

In your case, however, you could not renew the permit because you were at the hospital as an inpatient and therefore I suggest you attach the documentation for admission.

Article 13 paragraph 2 of the Immigration Act it states that "The expulsion was ordered by the prefect when the stranger was held in the State without having asked permission to stay within the prescribed period, unless the delay is due to a force majeure, or when the residence permit has been revoked or canceled, or expired for more than sixty days and has not been applied for renewal.

Therefore, it is by believing that the request late renewal is not automatically inadmissible or immediately sanctioned, and discretion by the Police authority.

Mr. Mario Lioy

Who pays between rent home and landlord?

I am a foreigner regularly present in Italy, I signed a contract of lease. The owner wants to pay the cost of replacement of mailboxes, I have to pay me?

Rome - September 3, 2010 - The breakdown of costs is an issue that often arises between landlord and tenant, the law generally provides that the tenant must bear all costs of routine maintenance, the owner of those repairs, except of course any shareholders between the two included in the lease.

The problem is very often because it creates confusion between ordinary and extraordinary maintenance costs.

The owner must provide to maintain the rented house in a good state, and then repair it if necessary, so as to ensure the peaceful enjoyment of the tenant. So when it comes to replacing worn out pipes for electric or plant, or the replacement of the lift is clear that the owner must do so.

The tenant must provide back to all the routine maintenance costs due to deterioration caused by the use of things such as replacement of taps, or repair of the lights in the building.

In general, if not much is specified by referring to the civil code or the old law that provides for fair rent "is paid by the tenant (ie the tenant ed), unless otherwise agreed, the costs of the service cleaning, operation and routine maintenance of the lift, the water supply, electricity, heating and air conditioning, blacks to clean wells and latrines and the provision of other common services. The costs of the concierge service are borne by the tenant to the extent of 90 per cent, unless the parties have agreed to a lesser extent. "

Now if you talk in your own replacement and installation of new mailboxes in this case should be the owner to provide for the payment while it is up to you instead of payment of any adjustment of the old mailboxes. Whenever it comes to repairs due to wear and tear while the tenant has to pay in cases its replacement should come from the owner.

Mr. Mario Lioy

I have a permit to study, I can work?

I am a foreigner with a residence permit for study, I found a job as a babysitter, but I can work part time?

Rome - September 8, 2010 - permission to study permits to carry out paid employment, but within certain limits, because he wants to help give students the opportunity to increase their incomes without sacrificing too many hours of study.

For the law so you can sign a contract of employment but shall not exceed 20 hours per week, also combined for 52 weeks and still no more than 1040 hours annually.

Your contract does not exceed the limit of hours required by law, for example, you can work part time (20 hours per week) for 12 months or full time (40 hours per week) but only for a maximum of 6 months.

To carry out a self-employed or an employee who exceeds the limit of hours, you will need to request the conversion of the residence permit into a residence permit for employment, however, within the limits of the decree on immigration quotas.

Only for foreign students who graduated in Italy, and for those legally residing in Italy at the age of majority, the law provides for exceptions, giving them the ability to convert a residence permit from study to work outside the shares flows decree.

To make you work as a babysitter part time with your permission to study your employer must submit a complaint to INPS recruitment.

Just a few days ago that the INPS has prepared a new model of the complaint online, simply register on the site INPS Section of services for domestic work, your employer using the data your personal and may proceed to the complaint.

I remind you that the complaint of employment is a mandatory reporting and must be done the day before the establishment of the employment relationship.

Mr. Mario Lioy.

Here comes my son, I will enroll in school?

I am an EU citizen living in Italy for years, I have requested and received clearance to family reunification for my son, is six years old and probably will arrive in Italy later this year. You can enroll in school?

Rome September 10, 2010 - Yes, your child can attend school in Italy and will soon join the soles. The entry of foreign children in Italian schools of all levels can be claimed at any time of the school.

The question you present it to the school of your choice, you have to fill out forms that you will be given, you will be asked for documents from the school attended in the country of origin, translated into Italian. If you're not holding you declare you under your responsibility that your child has attended class in your country of origin.

You will need to show a vaccination certificate and if you have not you must go to the ASL of your town of residence.

Usually, foreign children are enrolled in the class corresponding to their age, though the teachers may decide to enroll your child in another class, taking into account the order of studies in the country of origin or level of preparation or course of study followed in the country of origin.

Schools to facilitate the consolidation of knowledge and practice of Italian produce intensive Italian language courses based on specific projects.

In addition, when registering you must choose the time, such as full-time, and if you want your child attends Catholic religious instruction. If you decide not to study the Catholic religion fargo you can choose between several alternatives that will be offered by the school.

Recall that foreign children are guaranteed the right to education regardless of the regularity or otherwise of the stay, and are subject to compulsory schooling in the ways and forms envisaged for Italian citizens.

How do you choose your pediatrician?

I am a non-EU citizens regularly present in Italy, a few days my son will be born. Will be entitled to health care too? What should I do?

Rome - September 14, 2010 - Health care in Italy is always guaranteed to newborns, regardless of the regularity of their parents in Italy.

  •           Parents regular,
In the case of children who have parents legally resident EU or not Italy, it is compulsory to register with the National Health Service at the Local Health Trust in the municipality where you live and you must bring your birth certificate, certificate of residence 'self-certification and permission valid residence of the parent.

Registration is free, then you will receive home health card of the child, whose validity is subject to the validity of the residence permit of the parent.

At ASL you can choose the pediatrician consult the list of doctors who work in your country, but please note that any pediatrician could not see more than a certain number of children. Your choice, therefore, may not be accepted and you could be forced to choose another pediatrician.

For children from 0 to 6 years is required to choose the pediatrician, for children 6 to 14 can choose whether to stay with your child's doctor or join a family doctor.

  •          The pediatrician,
The pediatrician performs for free at his studio, until the age of 14 years of age, all requests for diagnostic or therapeutic for the control of the physical, mental, requires any specialist visits, hospitalizations, and medications, requiring the vaccines. The pediatrician should also promote effective home visits free of charge when according to his opinion and according to the condition of the baby you can not bring the child in the clinic.

In addition, the pediatrician who must certify the status of healing, for the purposes of readmission to school, creches, nursery school or primary and secondary issues certificates of eligibility for non-competitive sports activities in schools.

The pediatrician must provide five days of the surgery depending on the time determined by him.

  •           Parents irregular,
Infants whose parents are not in compliance with the permit to enroll in the health service, as foreigners temporarily present, they can not carry the card for public health services and may not have the pediatrician.

Like other children, however, are entitled to medical care and the protection of health and may resort to care in all public health facilities such as the pediatric clinic or specialist clinics or hospitals. Recall that by law the doctors or health workers may not report to law enforcement or judicial authorities, foreign nationals without residence permit.

EU citizen can come and study in Italy?

Rome - September 17, 2010 - Citizens of EU countries have right to enter and stay in Italy. In the event that the course of your granddaughter has a duration exceeding three months, but will necessarily require to be registered in the municipality where they intend to dwell at this point will be issued on the private data.

The application form your granddaughter must attach proof of identity valid passport or identity card of the country of origin, valid for travel abroad, the tax code issued by the agency of the entry, the entry of the school with duration of the training course.

Your nephew must be in possession of sufficient resources for themselves, this requirement may be declared by indicating the source of income and any other relevant information in order to carry out the verification (eg, data from the postal account and / or transfer).

For quantification of sufficient resources you use the amount of the social. Only the registrant must have a sum equal to the annual social, which for 2010 is € 5,349.89. It must also demonstrate that they have health insurance valid for one year or the duration of the course if less than one year.

My contract expires, still work?

I am a foreign worker hired by a company with a fixed-term contract which expires tomorrow. My employer asked me to work again next week, but we have not yet signed a new contract. It is something legal?

Rome - September 22, 2010 - the fixed-term employment contract may be concluded only in certain cases, well-governed by law, the employer, in fact, can use this tool when there are objective reasons for production order or organization or even for replace workers, such as maternity or sickness.

Of course it is necessary that the contract be in writing and shall indicate the reasons why they are important assumption in time and must specify the initial and final term of the contract. However, the duration can not exceed 36 months.

In your case, your employer actually wants to extend the employment relationship, but this may only be granted where there are objective about the work the work for which you have subscribed to the old contract.

Your consent is required, it should be before or contemporaneous to the extension, and agree that you do put in writing that the employment is extended, indicating the starting and ending.

There will be an extension only once, when the initial contract has a duration of less than three years and with the consent of the worker in this case the total duration of employment, more initial term extension may not exceed 3 years.

In case of extension of employment law sets a deadline for its continuation beyond the expiry of the contract: a period of 20 days if the contract had a duration less than 6 months and 30 days in other cases.

If the employer needs you more time, will have to renew (not extend) your contract term. If she does and makes you work more than 20 or 30 days after the deadline, your contract will automatically be turned on indefinitely, as of the end.

L 'Expert Reunification. It may be the natural parent?

I am a  Pakistna citizen and I live in Italy with my minor child work regularly. I'm not married to the father of my son, but recognized him at birth and now wants to come to Italy. Can I apply for family reunification?

Rome - September 24, 2010 - The law also allows the natural parent who does not live with the child to be reunited with him.

The child must stay regularly with the other parent and you have to prove that the conditions of availability of housing and income, for the existence of these requirements, taking account of the possession thereof by the other parent, then you can submit apply for family reunification in the name and on behalf of your minor child.

On 27 July, the Ministry of Interior issued a circular in which he announced that was set up a new web module for family reunification with the natural parent, referred to as "GN", available at the Ministry .

The submission of the application is made by electronic procedure, once you have registered you can fill out the form "GN".Once you have submitted the request, the OSS will call you and you must submit all documentation relating to the availability of income and housing.

OSS suit after receiving the documentation and verified all the requirements will issue the permit, only then the foreign parent in possession of the authorization may ask for an entry visa to the competent Italian diplomatic and consular authorities in his country and must submit all the documents proving the relationship to the child.Remember that the authorization must be used within six months from the date of issue.

As a domestic worker assumes Romania?

I am a citizen of Romania found a family that wants to hire me as a domestic because it's the first time what should I do?

Rome September 28, 2010 - The EU citizen who wants to settle in Italy for more than three months must register at the municipality where he intends to fix his home.

  You have to VISIT to the municipality and ask to be registered, you must submit several documents: your passport or identity card valid for foreign travel, the tax code, issued by the Ministry of Finance, and in your case, being an employee all work-related documents, including the termination of employment and a copy of the letter of appointment.
You must also indicate the accommodation and if you do not own a dwelling can provide a declaration signed by the owner to guest accommodation.

To be registered, then, subject to verification of requirements and assessment of usual residence, will be issued a certificate bearing the name the name, place of residence and date of your application.

And certificate of birth registration as a citizen of the Union or that proof of regular residence of Union citizens.

The registration of a Community national performing work irrespective of the duration of the employment contract.

For EU citizens the same rules as for Italian citizens with regard to employment as domestic workers.

Your employer must notify the INPS your intake within 24 hours of the day before a public holiday even though the establishment of the employment relationship.

The provision of employment is required and your employer will be able to present it in various ways: through the Internet or using the online complaint available on the INPS in the section devoted to services for domestic workers, or may deliver it by hand at the INPS local offices, in this case you should be issued with a registration number and the date and the office has received the communication.

In addition, you can also send a registered letter, in this case it is advisable to use the module (COLD-ASS), which can also be downloaded from the INPS enclosing a photocopy of all documentation, in the end may also call the INPS Inail integrated contact center toll-free at 803 164 and talk so all the data.

It should, however, before starting to work to write all the working conditions that you agreed with your employer.

In the letter of appointment you must indicate the date of commencement of employment, and possibly the end if it is a fixed term would not be left blank, indicating where the work will be carried out and any trial period, and of course very important to be the category of classification and seniority in any category.

  You have, in fact, indicate the status and the function, now in your case, since it is the first time completing this work, I think you will have no seniority, you will probably indicate how the grading level A, length of service in category you must go to 0, as a qualification: domestic workers, tasks: domestic.

With regard to working hours, you must indicate the total hours per week and hours per day, and an indication of the Sabbath, and of course the defendant and any hourly compensation for board and lodging if provided.

In case you also have to live with your employer must indicate in the letter of appointment, indicating the appropriate space where you can store and keep your personal belongings.

  It should also indicate how to use the leave, for example, if you or your employer you have special needs on the period, you should also include and provide for a way to move your employer for reasons of holiday for family reasons, so as to have no problems in the future.

Here for tourism, I can stay for medical treatment?

Rome, October 7, 2010 - The declaration of presence for tourism in reality does not allow itself to be able to convert or renew the permit. The law allows a small opening allowing the possibility of renewing and thus prolong the presence in Italy only in the event of serious and urgent medical care.

This possibility, however, is discretionary on the part of the police authority in the sense that there is no guarantee that you are given the opportunity to extend your stay in Italy.

In your case but I think that documenting all your medical condition you may obtain an extension of stay.You have to prove that your condition requires urgent treatment and who unfortunately can not be cured in your country.

 The Italian health structure should provide a fairly comprehensive documentation about your disease and especially that the intervention is urgent and that can only be practiced in Italy as in your country there are specialized centers about your condition.

Who comes to Italy as a tourist is not entitled to subscribe to the NHS and must take a health insurance policy which you certainly have done but you have to check if the policy also covers the cost of the intervention.

I suggest you ask for confirmation to the hospital and check if it covers all the action is that medical care, otherwise you should provide for the payment of the intervention and medical treatment.

 Is there an exemption from the ticket for people who come from a country that provides for the re-cognition of each other's SSN, if they have the appropriate form issued by your country.

Regarding the possibility of a conversion of the declaration of presence, then a residence permit for tourism in medical care is difficult to believe that because the legislature with regard to medical care provided for the entry and residence for medical re-asking a series requirements.

In particular, entry into Italy should take place under a special visa issued for a specific reason to care, there must be an agreement with the Italian health structure that will provide your care and that there was already the deposit of a sum of money under caution and that it was given accommodation.

According to the guidelines of the law even then I think that the police could refuse the conversion.

But you can still stay in Italy, the law provides that in any event are insured and guaranteed cure all "urgent and essential."

Regularisation: Those who applied can enrol in Health Scheme

They’ll be issued a card known as Straniero temporaneamente presente – STP.
6th January 2010: 
 Illegal domestic workers who applied to be regularised but are still waiting for the outcome of their applications can enrol in the National Health Scheme, Ministry of Home Affairs has said.

The 500 Euro contribution they made before submitting the applications also covers the medical assistance expenses. Ministry of Home Affairs said that caregivers (badanti) and housekeepers (colf) in the process of regularizing their status in the country are like legal foreign workers who have the obligation to enrol in the National Health Scheme. They can therefore be enrolled, the ministry said.

This, however, is a temporary enrolment and the National Health Scheme will issue the foreigners a card known as Straniero temporaneamente presente – STP (Foreign national temporarily present).

After being fully regularized (when they’ll finally undersign the residency contract at the Immigrations Office at the Prefecture), they’ll be issued the Fiscal code and formally enrol in the National Health Scheme like all other legal foreign workers.

Foreign worker's right to unemployment benefit

Who qualifies for it, how to apply & what to do if the application is rejected,
January 2010: 
 A foreign citizen who is unemployed can qualify to obtain the ordinary unemployment benefit if he/she meets the conditions set by the Law. Ordinary unemployment benefit is meant to help the worker get financial assistance in place of income from work.

Who qualifies for ordinary unemployment benefit?
The benefit is meant for subordinate workers who have not chosen to be unemployed, and therefore don't have an income due to any of the following reasons: dismissal, suspension due to lack of job, expiry of a work contract. Those who have willingly decided to resign from work, except those on maternity leave and those who have resigned due to a justified reason (lack of payment, sexual harassment, mobbing, etc) don't have a right to ordinary unemployment benefit.

Even workers who have been suspended from work because the company has been hit by a temporary crisis that has not been caused by either the workers or the employers (scarcity in work, market crisis, etc) also have a right to ordinary unemployment benefit. Foreigners with the Permit of Stay for seasonal work don't qualify for ordinary unemployment benefit since they are excluded from involuntary unemployment contributions.

In order to qualify for ordinary unemployment benefit, one must meet the following conditions: 
- be unemployed. The certificate showing unemployment status is obtained by reporting to the competent Employment Centre (Centro per l'impiego) and undersigning a declaration in which the worker states the work done previously and declares availability to work
- must have made contributions for involuntary unemployment benefit for at least two years before the date of unemployment
- must have made at least a year's contributions (equivalent to 52 weeks in the last two years before the date of unemployment)
- must have capacity to work.

The application for unemployment benefit must be made at the local INPS office (or the Employment Centre or through the Benevolent institutions-Patronati) within 68 days of ceasing work. The following documents must be attached to the application: 
- declaration from the last employer or a self-certificate showing information regarding the last work done
- certificate of enrolment with the unemployment listings
- application for Irpef tax relief 
The forms for applying for Irpef tax relief are available at the offices and on the website of INPS. Here’s the link:, on section "moduli" (forms). The allowance is given from the 8th day of ceasing work if the application is submitted within 7 days. In all other cases, it is given from the 5th day from the moment the application is submitted.

The amount to be received as ordinary unemployment benefit is fixed at 60% of the gross monthly pay for the first six months, and in any case within the limits of a gross monthly maximum that is set at 886,31 Euros, rising to 1.065,26 Euros for workers who can claim a gross monthly wage greater than 1.917,48 Euros. These amounts are usually increased every year depending on inflation rate computed by Italian Institute of Statistics (Istituto nazionale di statistica - ISTAT). In 2009, the following rule was applicable:

- workers who are younger than 50 years have a right to receive the allowance which is equivalent to 60% of the salary for the first six months, then it is lowered to 50% of the salary for the seventh and eighth month
- workers aged 50 and over have a right to receive the allowance which is equivalent to 60% of the salary for the first six months, then it is lowered to 50% of the salary for the seventh and eighth month, and finally to 40% for the subsequent months.

The maximum period for receiving unemployment allowance is eight months. Those aged over 50 can receive the allowance for 12 months.

Suspended workers can receive the allowance for a maximum of 90 days. The amount is equivalent to the 60% of the gross monthly pay.

The worker must notify INPS immediately of any new hiring, even for a short time (such as one day), change of address and account number.

Loss of unemployment benefit
One loses the right to unemployment benefit if he/she:
- has received the benefit for the whole period foreseen by the law
- gets another job 
- becomes holder of direct pension (old age pension, seniority, etc)
- is removed from the unemployment listings
- refuses to take up a job whose pay is not 20% lower than the previous job
- refuses to take up social utility jobs

In case one's application for unemployment benefit is rejected, an appeal can be made on simple paper to the Provincial Committee of INPS within 90 days of receiving the notification. 
The appeal can be submitted directly to the office of INPS that rejected the application, sent by post by registered mail with return receipt, or submitted through the authorised Benevolent Institutions (patronati).

Reduced unemployment benefit
This is unemployment benefit meant for subordinate workers who've worked for a limited period of time, have not made 52 weekly contributions in the last two years, but have worked for at least 78 days in the previous year including public holidays and paid leave of absence. 

In order to qualify for reduced unemployment benefit, one must meet the following conditions: 
- have made contributions for involuntary unemployment benefit for at least two years
- have been a subordinate worker for at least 78 days in the period being referred to

The application for reduced unemployment benefit must be made at the local INPS office within 31st March of the year after cessation of work.
The following documents must be attached to the application:
- declaration from the last employer  
- application for Irpef tax relief
The forms for reduced unemployment benefit, and the form for applying for Irpef tax relief are available at the offices and on the website of INPS at this link:, on section "moduli" (forms).

The amount to be received as reduced unemployment benefit is fixed at 35% of the worker's average daily earnings for the first 120 days, then it is lowered to 40% for the subsequent days.

The highest amount one can receive as unemployment allowance is equivalent to 858,58 Euros, rising to 1.031,93 Euros for workers who can claim a gross monthly wage greater than 1.857,48 Euros.  The reduced unemployment benefit is given for a maximum of 90 days.

The amount is fixed at 35% of the past year’s pay, divided by the number of days of actual work. 

Unemployment benefit for workers on project contract
On 26th May 2009, INPS issued a Circular letter extending the Unemployment benefit to workers on project contract (lavoratori a progetto). This will be done on experimental basis for the period 2009-2011. The Unemployment benefit is given only once and is fixed at 20% of the worker’s salary in the past year. In order to qualify for it, 
one must meet the following conditions: 
- must be enrolled in a special scheme at INPS
- have worked for only one employer
- income in the past year must be between 5.000 and 13.819 Euros
- have made contributions for involuntary unemployment benefit to the special scheme at INPS for at least three months (and not more than 10 months in the previous year).

The application must be made at the local INPS office within 30 days of cessation of work, attaching a declaration in which the worker declares availability to work.

For further information, please contact INPS using this Toll free number: 803 164.

Applications will only be examined if the forms are properly filled in (providing all the necessary information) and all required documents attached.