Thursday, February 03, 2011

Applications for particular categories of workers and applications for conversion of workpermit on 3rd click day,

At 8:00 am on 3rd February 2011,

The assumptions include:

Non-citizens who have completed training programs and education in the country of origin under Article. 23 of Decree No. 286/1998 (4000 entries);
And self-employed persons of Italian origin (parents, grandparents or great-grandparents Italian) living in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil, and included in the lists of workers in the Italian Consulates (500 entries).

The conversions are:

-Permits for study permits for employment (3. 000);
-Permits for placement and / or training for employment permits (3,000);
-Permits for seasonal work permits for employment (4,000);
-EC residence permit issued for long-term residents from other EU countries into permits for employment (1,000);
-EC residence permit issued for long-term residents from other EU countries in permits for self-employment (500).

Those who do not yet prepared the application hurry, because this will not be allowed near the start. Applications are compiled on the web only,

600,00 applications for domestic workers and carers on 2nd click day

There are already twice as many applications available. Data from the Interior Ministry

Even if (as expected) did not reach the issues of the day first click, the second heat flow confirms that there is an abyss between the inputs and requests authorized by the government of Italian households.

From 8.00 this morning could start taking applications for domestic workers from countries that have agreements with Italy, for which the order flow has a ceiling of 30 thousand entries. At 18.00 hours today, according to figures supplied by the Ministry of the Interior, the applications were already 60,308, 52,795 for domestic workers, caretakers for 7513.

Meanwhile, continue to grow, although much more slowly than the first day, applications for employees in all sectors from countries that have agreements with Italy. The inputs available are 52,080, but businesses and households at 18.00 hours today they had already applied for 322,898, 229,800 for domestic workers and 93,098 for other workers.