Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Austria: points card for managers immigrants

Faymann: "We attract qualified staff providing work and residence"

Rome - October 20, 2010 - In Austria, it will be a card, the colors of red-white-red flag, which will govern in future, the 'influx of labor from outside the EU.
Registrar for Werner Faymann "The goal is to prevent the recurrence of further errors" as the expulsion of entire families of immigrants. The reference is pointing to recent cases of repatriation of families with children fully included and integrated into society, which have resulted in recent days, protests and indignation of public opinion in Austria and internationally.
In parallel, as decided by the Council of Ministers shall be established an office for federal asylum and immigration in order to improve and coordinate the various institutions.
The blame is the current legislation, very stiff, just sulla'assegnazione and recognition of asylum. The current law, which is not amended, has served to significantly reduce the number of applications in recent years.
The new card will come into operation in stages from May 2011 and will serve to regulate immigration according to the needs of skilled labor.
The goal, said Faymann "is to attract qualified personnel with knowledge of German offering work and residence. For those who have the titles, it should be easier to enter and work in Austria. "

Applications will be divided into three categories based on a points system: top managers, managers and "high potentials" (with high potential to become a manager). The score is assigned according to the level of education, age, educational background, knowledge of languages.

The top managers will be admitted immediately with the right to bring your family with you, while managers will be able to get second-class members of the family only after three months of arriving.

Migrants in the streets for the regularization ,

Rome - October 15, 2010 - Extending permission to stay beyond the current term of six months, extend the protection already provided for victims of trafficking even those who denounce the exploitation of labor and a new amnesty for all workers, not only for servants.

These are the demands at the base of two days of mobilization organized today and Saturday, from anti-racism committee in Rome.

"To relegate a slice of the population into hiding said Rita Bernardini (MP PD) means putting hostage lawlessness", starting from this consideration the Radicals and the Democratic Party will sign a bill to denounce and combat undeclared work.

Today and tomorrow, various associations and the "Committee of immigrants in Italy" rally outside the Interior Ministry, following the slogan''rights''to stay. Among others will also participate in 200 African immigrants, who worked as farm laborers in Rosario. Finally, on Saturday, immigrants attended the event along with the Fiom CGIL.

Bernardi for the hope of finding signatures and cross-membership for the project, overcoming the boundaries between political parties on the subject. Through independent initiatives and self-managed, as the''strike''round of last October 8 in Caserta, where immigrant laborers refused to work for less than 50 euro, the mobilization has already started at the local level.

For the Democratic Party MP Jean-Leonard Touadi "It 's understandable that immigrants will rebel against this unjust law" then recalling some incidents of unrest in Cie. also Hon. Pina Picierno called for a "monitoring the effects of the crime of illegal immigration to see what happened in court."

Board: how to subscribe to the INPS fund home,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010.
  INPS Fondo retirement pension for housewives housewives. Establishing the INPS - Institute of Social Security. Membership is open to women of working age (15-65 years) who carry out domestic activities associated with family responsibilities, unpaid and without subordination.

To subscribe to the INPS fund home just fill out the appropriate form available on the website (Forms Section) and send e-mail. Or you can go to one of the seats on INPS national territory or in one of the patrons recognized that give free assistance to workers.
The Fund has been active since the first day of the month following the month in which the application is made. The contributions to the fund is free, but paid at least 25.82 euro, will be credited to the "book" a month of retirement. Payments can be made at any time of the year through special bulletins. Each year, at the bottom housewives, INPS will award many months to many pension contributions have been divided for 25.82 euro. Example: 110 euro paid, divided by 25.82 euro = 4 months-retirement. Contributions are fully deductible from taxable income tax.
With five years of contributions will pay INPS pension age for women with more than 57 years of age. Always with 5 years of contributions to INPS will pay the disability pension, provided the woman is in a position of not being able to do any more work.

All the housewives and pensioners do not live or carry out self-employment which is required to enroll in an institution. May also include housewives working part-time but not sufficient to provide entitlement to a pension.

Many irregular domestic workers paid dearly but they’ll not be regularised

 Tuesday, 19 October 2010
So many irregular immigrants who sought the help of intermediators in applying for regularisation last year will never be regularised.

In Milan and Rome where most applications were submitted, authorities are detecting serious problems with some applications. It is in fact now emerging that so many irregular immigrants were conned by intermediators who made them believe that they would help them find employers ready to regularise them.

Most of the intermediators were individuals from the same countries as their victims, service agencies and advocates (including those expelled from the professional body).so many irregular immigrants in Milan paid an average of 5000 Euros to intermediators for applications for regularization which will never be accepted. 

In Rome there are cases of people who paid up to 7,000 Euros. 
It is actually not easy to know the exact number of irregular immigrants who paid dearly in order to be regularized. Almost all irregular domestic workers who paid intermediators to help them find an employer to apply for their regularization, didn’t know who their “employer” was. Yet the fake employer declared that the domestic worker was living at his/her home.

Mr. Maurizio Improta of Rome’s Immigrations Office at the Prefecture told Il Messaggero newspaper that some of the intermediators used names of dead people, or casually picked up names from the yellow pages to submit fake applications.

They then used the receipt from the website of Ministry of Home Affairs to make their victims believe that they would be regularised before taking huge sums of money from them.

While there were fake employers who accepted money in order to submit applications for regularisation, many were victims of scam. Some employers who sought help from certain individuals in submitting applications for their workers later on discovered that other applications were submitted on their behalf without their knowledge.

They only discovered it when they received letters summoning them to report to the Immigrations Office at the Prefecture to complete the process of regularising the workers they didn’t know. That’s when many of them reported to the police, says Bovino.

Many of the applications submitted by these fake employers have either been rejected or will be rejected because some employers submitted more than the permitted number of applications.

Each family could only apply to regularize one housekeeper and at most two caregivers. But many of these fake employers submitted several applications. All the excess applications from each employer are being automatically rejected.

The fact that many irregular immigrants paid intermediators to help them find fake employers makes it difficult for them to either report the intermediators or recover their money. They in fact violated the law by paying people to make false declarations in order to regularise their stay in the country.

The question many are asking is, do these people have a chance of being regularised? “I don’t think so,” says Bovino. “Those who personally reported the intermediators to the police were given expulsion orders while those who sought help of advocates in reporting them have slim chances of obtaining the Permit of Stay for Justice. Yet, many advocates are encouraging them to do so hoping that they’ll be given the Permit of Stay for Justice, which they can later on convert into work permit, but the law doesn’t provide for this.”