Rome - November 16, 2010b-On December 9, 2010 comes into force the Decree of 4 June 2010, establishing new rules for issuing residence permits CE.
In fact, the decree laid down the procedures for conducting the test of knowledge of Italian, under Article 9 of Legislative Decree 25 July 1998, No 286, introduced by Article 1, paragraph 22, letter i) of Act No. 94/2009.
From 9 December 2010, foreigners applying for residence permit EC should undergo this test in Italian language, for the law "the alien must have a level of knowledge of the Italian language that allows you to understand sentences and frequently used expressions in current fields, corresponding to level A2 of the Common European Framework for knowledge of the language approved by the Council of Europe. "
So before applying for the permit need to ask the EC to carry out this test in Italian.
Not all are required to conduct this test, in fact, are excluded from this requirement children under fourteen years of age, (also born out of wedlock, and their spouse), foreigners with severe limitations on the ability 'of language learning arising from 'age', from disease or disability, in this last case should be issued with a certificate from the public health facility.
They are also exempted those who had studied in Italy that have graduated from secondary school in the first or second degree, or studying at university or attending a master or a doctorate.
Even foreigners who have attended courses, including evening, held in Italian language Permanent Territorial Centres for adult education, working with educational institutions of all levels and are in possession of knowledge of Italian language no less than so-called level A ". Even the lecturers, academics, performers and journalists are officially accredited entered with Article 1 letter c 27 cm q.
The request for conducting the test must be submitted to the competent Prefecture Teleservices, according to domicile.
The regional authority shall convene the alien within 60 days of the request by sending a notice which shall be recorded the time and place where the test will be performed in Italian.
The test can be done either by computer or written in a manner in any case, the contents of the test and the time given is equal and even assessment. On the day of the stranger is identified and must show the call received.
Both in the case of a positive or negative to the Prefecture inform the foreigner, and will put the result in the information system of the department for civil liberty and immigration ministry of the interior, so that the police shall satisfy the level of Italian language for issuing residence permits CE.
If the test fails the alien will have to reapply again at the Prefecture to make the language test.
In the event that the alien must not perform any tests to verify competence is the police who will check through the certified copies of diplomas or certificates