Friday, November 19, 2010

Amnesty (Sanatoria) scam in Matera: an arrest and 10 complaints

Up to 5 thousand euro sham for regularization. 40 involved foreign

Matera, November 19, 2010 - It 's a catch 10 complaints and the outcome of an investigation by the police in Matera, called' Promised Land ', and a fraud on the amnesty for immigrants.

According to the indictment "fraudsters" deluded non-EU foreigners arriving in Italy with the promise of offering them a job that would allow to come into compliance with immigration laws. They each paid 5000 €. The scams are about 40. Despite promises received and disbursed the money, remained in an irregular situation 'and in despair. The suspects are alleged offenses in the competition continued facilitation of the illegal stay of third country nationals through the production of statements and false statements and fraud against foreigners.

The surveys were started in 2009 by the Immigration suspicious inconsistencies had emerged where the documents produced in support of applications for regularization made by employers in the process of the emergence of illegal labor. The squad has also made numerous raids and seized forged documents and computer equipment.

The arrested person, and 'a 50 years old who tried to escape capture and find refuge from an Italian friend who runs a pizzeria in Germany. Against him had been issued an international warrant of arrest. E 'was arrested on Italian soil, however, the station of Verona, betrayed by mobile phones brings with it'. The other suspects are mostly elderly uncensored complacent that lent themselves to do for employers to employ the carers. For foreigners as well as damage the non-amnesty insult the risk of being repatriated.