I am a foreign national with a residence permit for EC long-term residents issued by another state. Can I come and work in Italy?
Rome October 19, 2010 - The owner of a residence permit for EC long-term residents issued by another EU member state, valid, can work and reside in Italy for a period longer than three months, be employed or self-employed, and also to attend courses of study or vocational training.
Foreigners can also stay for other lawful purposes provided, however, proving to be in possession of means of subsistence, not occasional, amounting to more than double the minimum required by law for exemption from health costs and a health insurance program for the period lounge, open to 17,000.00 euro.
Of course if you want to perform a job that is subject to self-type must always be able to fill in the form Ls registered request for permission to OSS in this case is independent from the requirement of actual residence abroad.
The alien is then issued a new permit based on the activity carried on, and when mature the requirements may also obtain a residence permit in Italy long-term, in this case a Member State which had left the previous EC notified that the permit is issued.
The police must then issue a temporary residence permit renewable withdraw without permission CE already owned, simply informed the national contact point.
the foreign national has the right to maintain the status of long-resident in the Member State of origin until they acquire such status in another Member State, which happens only after five years of legal residence and provided that there are other conditions laid down ' art. 9 bis of immigration.
The same thing is expected, if the foreign national holder of a permit issued by Italy EC moves to another Member State, even in this case can not be deprived of the status of the sponsor and the corresponding long residence permit to Italian when this condition does not acquire the Member State of destination.
In the event that the alien should instead only stay for a period not less than three months must apply for a visa but must only report its presence in the territory to the police.
We recall that the EC residence permit is revoked in the event of transfer of long-term residence permit from another EU Member State and also in case of absence from the territory of the state for a period exceeding six years and if absent from the EU for a period of twelve consecutive months.
It is planned to issue the permit, with the same period as the permit issued to the long-term residents, even to family members who accompany or join them.