Monday, October 25, 2010

New income brackets for family allowance in force

The new income brackets for family allowance (assegno familiare) published by the Italian National Social Security Institute (INPS) are now in force.

The new rules became effective on 1st July 2010, and will remain effective until 30th June 2011.

Family allowances are given to subordinate workers under specific conditions, and to parasubordinate workers, both Italians and foreigners when their family income falls below a certain level. The level varies according to the number of people in the family.

The application is to be submitted to the employer who pays the allowance together with the worker’s salary, then the employer will be reimbursed by INPS.

Domestic workers and those working in the agricultural sector have to submit the application at the branches of INPS.  Their allowance is paid directly by INPS.

Click on this link to download the new income brackets.