Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yes to flows decree, 100000 new entries in italy

Thirty domestic helpers and caregivers, fifty thousand workers from countries that have agreements with Italy. Provided three "Click Day"

Rome - December 14, 2010 - Italy opens its doors to foreign workers.

After two years of stop, get a flow decree authorizing nearly 100 thousand new entries. The text was signed Nov. 30 by Silvio Berlusconi and will come into force only after publication in the Official Journal (HERE THE COMPLETE TEXT).

About fifty thousand inputs are reserved for employees of all sectors, citizens of countries that have agreements with Italy (Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Philippines, Ghana, Morocco, Moldova, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka , Tunisia, India, Peru, Ukraine, Niger, Gambia). Thirty inputs are reserved instead for domestic workers (domestic helpers, caregivers and babysitters) of other nationalities.

The decree then provides inputs for four thousand workers who participated in training programs in countries of origin, and five inputs for descendants of Italians in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil included in the lists of consulates. Finally, the green light even at eleven thousand conversions allowed for study, internships, seasonal and long-staying (issued by other EU countries) into permits for employment, and five hundred permits for long-staying (issued by other EU countries) in permesis for self-employment .

Again, employers can submit job applications only via the Internet and inputs will be allocated subject to availability based on the order of presentation. There will be three clicks day, probably in February, which once again will award the fastest and the most fortunate, leaving out the majority of businesses and families who participate in the race.

The government never admit it, but this is also a small, poor, concession to the many calling for a regularization. Even if a thousand difficulties, who is here without a residence permit and have an application for employment with the "flow" will in fact return and then returned to Italy with a valid entry visa.

Albanians and Bosnians can enter in Europe without a visa

Rome - December 14, 2010 - Starting tomorrow, December 15, citizens of Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina will no longer need a visa to enter Italy and other countries of the Schengen area. It provides for a regulation published today in the Official Gazette of the European Union.

The liberalization affects only a short stay, maximum of ninety days, not dictated by business reasons. It is also essential that those who enter without a passport has seen the latest generation, with a microchip that along with other data stores a copy of fingerprints.

The European Commission will monitor the new arrivals: if they are too many and will be complemented with unfounded asylum applications will be temporarily re-introduced visas.

The liberalization of visas is another step closer to Albania and Bosnia to the European Union, and was decided after the two countries have tightened controls on their borders, have contrasted more strongly organized crime and corruption and have passports more secure. The same benefit has been recognized in 2009 the citizens of Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia.

Monday, December 13, 2010

FOR HOLIDAYS, Important rules before leaving italy for holidays,

Before you decide to leave Italy for any short journey abroad, here are some important rules you should know, depending on your legal status in the country.

Those with valid Permits of Stays

Those who have valid Permits of Stay can travel home and return to Italy at anytime without necessarily having to leave and return to the country using the same border crossing point.

They can in fact freely transit through or go for holidays in all the Schengen countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden).

Should they need to either transit or go for holidays in a non - Schengen country, they have to check with the Embassy of that country if they need the transit or tourist visa.

Regardless of the destination, a foreigner with a valid permit who has to travel abroad must carry along a valid passport or equivalent travel document, and the Permit of Stay which is indispensable for re-entering the country.

Those whose Permits of Stays have expired & have applied for renewal

There are however, some restrictions for foreigners whose permits have expired and have applied for renewal.

They can travel home and return to Italy at anytime without necessarily having to leave and return to the country using the same border crossing point.

But they cannot transit through Schengen countries. They must carry along a valid passport or equivalent travel document, the expired Permit of Stay and the renewal slip issued at the post office at the time they submitted the application for renewal of the expired permit. Border police will have to put a rubber stamp on this receipt.

Those who have applied for the first Permits of Stays

Those who have just arrived in Italy and have applied for the first Permit of Stay for work under Quota Agreement (Decreto flussi) or for family reunification, can also travel home and return to Italy at anytime without necessarily having to leave and return to the country using the same border crossing point. They can only travel to or transit through Schengen countries if they have Schengen visas.

Together with the application slip issued by the post office, they’ll also be required to carry along the passport with the visa issued by the Italian Embassy showing the reason of entry to Italy.

Those who applied for regularisation

Finally, illegal immigrants in Italy who applied to be regularised cannot leave the country before their applications have been approved. The receipt they received when they submitted their applications is not considered a valid document for leaving and re-entering the country.

They’ll have to remain in the country until they undersign the Residency contract (contratto di soggiorno) and apply for the Permit of Stay. Only then will they be allowed to travel abroad and return to Italy.

All who applied for regularization must remain in the country.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Maroni: "Decreto Flusi Only for domestic workers and carers"

"There are many foreigners who have lost their jobs. No need to get another"

 Rome - December 6, 2010 - The government will continue to restrain the entry for work abroad. Seasonal part, is willing to reopen the flow only for domestic workers and caregivers. This morning, said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, speaking on Radio24.

The payments are made based on the demands of working and of course serve to reach a labor contract of employment, "recalled Maroni.

"We recently having regard to the economic crisis we have reduced to almost zero even new names. Now - said the minister - we are studying new entry limited to domestic helpers and caregivers. "

According to Maroni, "In a time of crisis the first to lose are the most vulnerable and if they are non-EU citizens who lose their job is pointless to come from an extra-new." "The season is another thing, come and go with a system that works well with the cooperation of trade associations and pose no significant problems."

The minister also spoke of racist signs Brembate . "I would not want a sign made by a person who has an attitude that the mayor of Brembate di Sopra condemned and I condemn it then becomes the symbol of all that community: a community and that 'instead of hard-working, consistent."

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Integration Fund: € 13.5 million for projects

Rome - December 1, 2010 - The Interior Ministry has issued six warnings for the public presentation of local projects to be financed with the resources of the Fund for the Integration of third country nationals from 2007 to 2013, under the general program "Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows". There are up for grabs for funding of € 13.5 million.

The notices relate to the submission of projects under the following actions, identified by the program's annual EIF 2010:

    Action 1 - 2010, "Language training, civic orientation, job orientation and training" - € 3,000,000.00
    Action 2 - 2010, "Youth Project" - € 3,500,000.00
    Action 3 - 2010, "Raising awareness, information and communication" - € 1,000,000.00
    Action 4 - 2010, "Initiatives of social mediation and the promotion of intercultural dialogue" - € 3,800,000.00
    Action 5 - 2010, "Innovative programs for integration" - € 1,000,000.00
    Action 7 - 2010, "Capacity building: establishment of structures and networks for action" - € 1,200,000.00

Projects may be submitted by 12.00 pm of December 28, 2010 until 18.00 on February 28, 2011, exclusively through the site www.fondieuropeiimmigrazione.it. Applicants must have inbox certified (PEC) and digital signatures.

Here, the facsimile forms for submission of project proposals issued by the Interior Ministry. Only serve as an example, since the forms must be filled out online.

    Online Model A Model self-declared proponent / Responsible "
    Online Model A1 Model Partner self-declared "
    Model B on-line "experience in the relevant sector in the period 2005-2009"
    Model C - Model for the submission of projects
    Model C1 - Model data sheet of the proponent / Responsible
    Model C2 - Model data sheet of the project partners
    Model C3 - Model of the fol-project
    Model C4 - Timetable for implementation
    Model C5 - Budget Model
    Scheme of Grant Agreement

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Young Entrepreneurs, will paying 10% tax first 3 years.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010.
'Young Entrepreneurs, the Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, under the initiative called "Right to the future," intends to introduce a preferential taxation for the new entrepreneurs under 35. The measure, specifically, according to a report in the Confcommercio, provides for a single tax of 10% for the first three years of entrepreneurial activity by young people under 35 years.

The project was presented at Palazzo Chigi in the presence of the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Minister of Youth, and pursuant to a loan of 300 million euro also the purpose of charging one flat rate. In this way, the young entrepreneurs for the first three years could get a big tax savings because the tax will reduce by over 50%

The Prime Minister Berlusconi added as to regard such a measure is being discussed with the social partners so as to Giulio Tremonti, the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Furthermore, still within the allocated funds, with "Right to the future"it is estimated will be created as many as 10 thousand new jobs through granting the company a" gift "amounting to € 5 000 for every young person under 35 who will be hired for an indefinite period, in this way aims to encourage the stabilization of uncertain employment.

In "Right to the future" there are also funds for credit guarantees on the part of atypical workers and young couples on low incomes in order to turn a first mortgage for the house to residential use loan guarantees and financing will also be paid even for young deserving students. Finally, also provided the shared public / private projects for foundations and corporations that will focus on youth and that, therefore, decide to invest in their skills.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Residence card (Carta Soggiorno), does the Italian test?

Rome - November 16, 2010b-On December 9, 2010 comes into force the Decree of 4 June 2010, establishing new rules for issuing residence permits CE.

In fact, the decree laid down the procedures for conducting the test of knowledge of Italian, under Article 9 of Legislative Decree 25 July 1998, No 286, introduced by Article 1, paragraph 22, letter i) of Act No. 94/2009.

From 9 December 2010, foreigners applying for residence permit EC should undergo this test in Italian language, for the law "the alien must have a level of knowledge of the Italian language that allows you to understand sentences and frequently used expressions in current fields, corresponding to level A2 of the Common European Framework for knowledge of the language approved by the Council of Europe. "

So before applying for the permit need to ask the EC to carry out this test in Italian.

Not all are required to conduct this test, in fact, are excluded from this requirement children under fourteen years of age, (also born out of wedlock, and their spouse), foreigners with severe limitations on the ability 'of language learning arising from 'age', from disease or disability, in this last case should be issued with a certificate from the public health facility.

They are also exempted those who had studied in Italy that have graduated from secondary school in the first or second degree, or studying at university or attending a master or a doctorate.

Even foreigners who have attended courses, including evening, held in Italian language Permanent Territorial Centres for adult education, working with educational institutions of all levels and are in possession of knowledge of Italian language no less than so-called level A ". Even the lecturers, academics, performers and journalists are officially accredited entered with Article 1 letter c 27 cm q.

The request for conducting the test must be submitted to the competent Prefecture Teleservices, according to domicile.

The regional authority shall convene the alien within 60 days of the request by sending a notice which shall be recorded the time and place where the test will be performed in Italian.

The test can be done either by computer or written in a manner in any case, the contents of the test and the time given is equal and even assessment. On the day of the stranger is identified and must show the call received.

Both in the case of a positive or negative to the Prefecture inform the foreigner, and will put the result in the information system of the department for civil liberty and immigration ministry of the interior, so that the police shall satisfy the level of Italian language for issuing residence permits CE.

If the test fails the alien will have to reapply again at the Prefecture to make the language test.

In the event that the alien must not perform any tests to verify competence is the police who will check through the certified copies of diplomas or certificates