Thirty domestic helpers and caregivers, fifty thousand workers from countries that have agreements with Italy. Provided three "Click Day"
Rome - December 14, 2010 - Italy opens its doors to foreign workers.
After two years of stop, get a flow decree authorizing nearly 100 thousand new entries. The text was signed Nov. 30 by Silvio Berlusconi and will come into force only after publication in the Official Journal (HERE THE COMPLETE TEXT).
About fifty thousand inputs are reserved for employees of all sectors, citizens of countries that have agreements with Italy (Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Philippines, Ghana, Morocco, Moldova, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka , Tunisia, India, Peru, Ukraine, Niger, Gambia). Thirty inputs are reserved instead for domestic workers (domestic helpers, caregivers and babysitters) of other nationalities.
The decree then provides inputs for four thousand workers who participated in training programs in countries of origin, and five inputs for descendants of Italians in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil included in the lists of consulates. Finally, the green light even at eleven thousand conversions allowed for study, internships, seasonal and long-staying (issued by other EU countries) into permits for employment, and five hundred permits for long-staying (issued by other EU countries) in permesis for self-employment .
Again, employers can submit job applications only via the Internet and inputs will be allocated subject to availability based on the order of presentation. There will be three clicks day, probably in February, which once again will award the fastest and the most fortunate, leaving out the majority of businesses and families who participate in the race.
The government never admit it, but this is also a small, poor, concession to the many calling for a regularization. Even if a thousand difficulties, who is here without a residence permit and have an application for employment with the "flow" will in fact return and then returned to Italy with a valid entry visa.
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