Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fini: Job search permit should be valid for one year

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Gianfranco Fini has said he would be ready to revise the Bossi-Fini Immigration Law by only amending one thing - the time limit given to an immigrant who loses his job to find another one before being asked to leave Italy.

Under the Bossi-Fini Immigration Law, an immigrant who loses his job can apply for a job search permit which is valid for six months. If the permit expires before the holder finds a new job, he is forced to leave the country.

Mr. Fini said he would amend the law to allow an immigrant who loses his job a grace of period of at least one year to find another job.

The principle that inspired the Bossi-Fini Law - that an immigrant who comes to Italy must have a job, is still valid, Mr. Fini said.

He said that one of the strongest aspects of the Bossi-Fini Law is the possibility of fighting irregular work, if there is a commitment to do so.