Thursday, September 06, 2012


The Inter-Ministerial Decree with details about regularisation of illegal immigrant workers in Italy is ready and will be published in the Official Gazette within days.

It confirms that applications will be submitted from 15th September 2012 by logging on to the website of Ministry of Home Affairs.
Applicants will have to indicate on the online application forms the personal data of the employer, the personal data of the worker, and details about the work contract.

The employer will self-certify that the worker has been working for them for at least three months. The employer will also have to self-certify their income.

The application fee of 1000 Euros will be paid using a special form called “F24 versamenti con elementi identificativi”. This form will soon be published on the websites of the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate); INPS and Ministry of Home Affairs.

The application fee will not be refunded if the application is rejected.

In order to apply for regularisation of a worker, the employer (physical person or firm) will have to prove that they have an annual income that’s not lower than 30,000 Euros.

A slightly lower income is required of those applying to regularise domestic workers. An employer who would like to regularise their domestic worker is required to have an annual income of 27,000 Euros. In a single income family, the employer is required to have an annual income of 20,000 Euros.

The required income of course increases depending on the number of workers to be regularised.

Both the employer and the worker will have to jointly self-certify that the worker has been paid the salary arrears of six months. The salary payable must not be less than the minimum salary provided by the applicable National Collective Agreement.

It will only be possible to submit the application for regularisation after proving that all the pending debts and social security contributions have been paid.

Further information will be available after the publication of the Inter-Ministerial Decree in the Official Gazette.