Commissioner Malmström: Living conditions in Libyan detention centres “are horrible”
The European Commission and Libya have signed an agreement on migration cooperation. The agreement was signed on 5th October in Tripoli during a visit by Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood policy.
It is a Cooperation agenda between the European Commission and Libya, including concrete steps on border surveillance system, mobility-related issues, smuggling and trafficking in human beings, and dialogue on refugees and international protection.
"Libya is one of the portals into Europe for people who are fleeing or seeking a better life. Therefore we need to agree on good terms for cooperation, and to ensure the respect for fundamental rights throughout the whole asylum and migration process", said Commissioner Malmström.
The purpose of the Libya visit was to discuss bilateral issues with the Libyan authorities, with a special focus on migration. An estimated 1,5 million people on the run or in pursuit of a better life are currently staying in Libya.
''It is my objective to put the protection of fundamental rights of all people involved in migratory and asylum flows at the centre of our efforts in the EU relationship with Libya. The Cooperation Agenda will enable us also to promote initiatives aimed at better protecting and assisting the rights of migrants and refugees,” Commissioner Malmström said.
EU Member States have previously underlined the need for closer cooperation with the countries from which many people come to Europe. The new agreement includes, apart from issues concerning asylum and international protection, that the EU should support Libya in trying to build up a system for labour migration, that tougher measures should be taken on smugglers of human beings, and to develop the Libyan border control. For a period of three years, the EU offers 50 million euro in projects within the framework of this cooperation plan.
Cecilia Malmström also visited a detention centre in the desert by the Libyan southern border. "Many people are being found in the desert, often after having been left there by smugglers. Those who succeed in reaching Libyan ground are being rescued, but they often get stuck in detention centres waiting on being allowed to move on. And the living conditions in those centres are horrible. With our new EU-Libya agreement, I hope that we can contribute to improving the situation for these people and make sure that those who need to come to Europe for international protection will be able to do that", said Commissioner Malmström.
Commissioner Füle welcomed the agreement saying it “is an important first step to solve the serious challenge irregular migration poses not only to Libya but also to the EU. This step is part of the much broader relationship we are trying to build together. It was clear from our talks in Tripoli that both EU and Libya have at heart to sustain the new momentum in our relationship over recent months."
The EU and Libya also discussed the establishment of an informal group of senior officials that would oversee the implementation of the list of possible initiatives in the field of migration cooperation. The proposed initiatives will be implemented through a variety of means, ranging from the sharing of experience and best practices, as well as financing of actions, including the acquisition of equipment in accordance with applicable rules.
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