Monday, October 25, 2010

Linea Amica Immigrazione answers all your questions

The Government has introduced a new telephone service providing information to immigrants.

The Linea Amica Immigrazione is a service managed by the Ministry of Public Administration.

The following are some of the questions you can ask the Linea Amica Immigrazione: What’s the state of my application for family reunification? When can I apply for citizenship? How can I apply for renewal of my Permit of Stay? How can I convert my foreign driving license into an Italian driving license? If I change job, whom should I notify? etc.

The service is available to immigrants and to all who deal with immigrants such as employers.

From landline, you can call for free the number 803.001, while from cell phone, you can call the number 06828881, at a cost of a local call. You can also forward your question by filling in an online query form on this link:

This is a free service and the operators speak four languages: Italian, English, French and Spanish.

They answer calls from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00. One can also call when the offices are closed (for instance, after 18:00 or on weekends) and leave a message. Operators will call back with the answer.

Depending on the question, the operators may either provide the answer right away or ask for more time to verify before getting back to you with the answer. For instance, if you call looking for information about where to go to apply for Fiscal Code (Codice Fiscale), you will be answered immediately. But if you’d like to find out why there is a delay in the processing of your application for family reunification, the operators will have to contact the office handling the application to find out what’s wrong before getting back to you. This normally requires a couple of days.