Monday, October 25, 2010

Regularisation: New chance for who paid but didn't apply

 Ministry of Home Affairs: They must now apply by 31st December 2009,

3rd December 2009: Employers who by 30th September 2009, paid the 500 Euro contribution for regularising illegal domestic workers but didn’t manage to submit their applications can now do so.

Ministry of Home Affairs has decided to give those employers a second chance after verifying and finding out that there were those who made the payment but their applications were not present in their system.

Payment of the 500 Euro contribution is the employer’s expression of willingness to proceed with the regularisation of the illegal domestic worker, the ministry said, urging those employers to now submit their applications.

The payment of the 500 Euro contribution was an indispensable step in applying for regularisation of illegal domestic workers. Employers used Modello F24 (Form F24) to make the payment either at the bank or post office. The contribution was deposited in the account of the National Social Security Institute (Istituto nazionale per la previdenza sociale - INPS).

Ministry of Home Affairs already has all the names of the employers who made the payment but didn’t submit their applications.

Such employers must contact the help desk of the Department of Civil Liberties and Immigration either through this link: or by dialling the number: 0648905810), for instructions on how to proceed with the submission of applications for regularization of their illegal domestic workers. The deadline for submitting applications is 31st December 2009.

It is however impossible and useless to try to pay the 500 Euro contribution now. Applications for regularisation will only be accepted from employers who made the payment between August and September 2009.